Chirk Account Rolls The activity sheets CHIRK1 and CHIRK2 allow students to examine a document from 1322 and establish how information might be extracted from a source in order to provide evidence. Students are asked to intepret the information and come to some conclusions. Spreadsheet Task The final question encourages students to use a spreadsheet to convert units of capacity and money into modern measurements. By doing this they are more likely to gain an understanding of the numbers involved. The spreadsheet file ACCOUNTS is provided in Key Calc format. For schools not using Key Calc, two other files are provided. ACC.CSV, if dropped onto cell A1 of an open spreadsheet, should put the correct text into the correct cells. Unfortunately, formulas cannot be held in this way and need to be entered by the teacher. These, together with an illustration of the spreadsheet, are held in the activity sheets SSTEM1 and SSTEM2. You may need to substitute some characters in the formulas depending on which spreadsheet you are using. For example, some spreadsheets use ";" or ":" instead of "," between cell references in formulas. If things don't work, check your software manual for the right syntax.